Sunday, October 11, 2009

Carolina Blue

I've learned a few things on this trip.
1. My aunt's recovery is dependant on her being here. She perked up almost instantly. She knew where she was without us telling her. When my mom came in the hospital room, she smiled and it was on from there. A childhood friend/cousin came by and she has been smiles ever since. She know knows who I am without me having to say no I'm Tasha. Yesterday some friends came by. She was saying "Chicken is really country." I was rolling. She even saw a hand sign I gave my mom about how tight she was squeezing my hand. She said "Tasha what's that hand signal about." Uhm...I thought she was blind?

2. The health care is much better here than in Atlanta. You would think the opposite because of the metro area. Uhm. No. So they found fluid in her brain and are proposing a shunt. She should be at 75% when the fluid drains. WOW!! The social worker was great. Lon will be going down to Social Services and put in the application for medicaid reactivation on Monday. YES!

3. GK is still kinda annoying in the mornings. I'm really not a morning person unless I get some "me time" and Dr. Pepper. I am finally getting both. Having cramps and a morning mother is not mixing at all!

4. You can't change people. Why even try? Rather than being mad or upset all the time, just let it be. Either write them off or deal with how they are now. You can deal with them from a distance, meaning, don't let them come to close. They will become less annoying and/or disappointing. Although you see them trying...sometimes it's just temporary. Don't be drawn in by the temporary changes unless they look like permanent settings. I guess I'm turning into an old skeptic. Hardened.

5. My dad can still cook. Today he is making bbq chicken, baked chicken, macroni and cheese and...BANANA PUDDING!!!! I.LOVES.HIM.!!!!

6. My kids love my parents. As much as she can be annoying, overbearing and just clash with me, my children...and my mother. But my children adore her and my dad. They beam when they see them and are around them. It's something about grandparents that make children light up and feel loved and cozy. I love my grandparents too. Miss them alot. I went to my maternal grandparents' home. I went in and found books and a picture my aunt made. Brought the pic/calendar home to wash so she could have it at the nursing home. Found one of her old hand fans. I had Thumper give it to her in the hospital as I was leaving.

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