Thursday, October 15, 2009

Broken Fever...Vulcanlike

Don't know when it happened. Can't name the time. Just seemed like for a minute, the life fever I had broke. It wasn't long lasting, but that brevity in time let me know I can do and feel better. There's no medicine to cure what I have. It just has to run its course. I don't want a short cut this time either. I have to deal with what is now and just wait it out.

Could get some chicken noodle soup or drink hot tea. That's not going to do it for me. Not this time. Mind needs mending, then the rest can scab up too. I know there's another full cup waiting to spill over, but I have the release valve turned to the off position for a minute.

Glad the pills wore off and I'm no longer numb. Yet, less numb gives way to feeling. Not sure I'm ready for feeling yet. Feeling means human, and an android is my zen. Maybe even a vulcan. Gotta work on the emotional control. How? That's what I'd like to know.

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