Sunday, April 15, 2007


Well we just finished watching the last of "Roots". It left me feeling good, but it also left me feeling empty. The family of Alex Haley was lucky because they knew of Kunta Kente. I don't have that. I am seeking to find that.

Seeing "Roots" the first time left me feeling angry at every white person that walked the earth for making us this way. This time, I'm proud to be who I am. I am proud of the struggle. I am proud of the pain. It was through the pain, through the loss, through the anger, through the struggle that we found out who we truly. We are strong. We are smart. We are mighty. We are gods. Who else but the children of God could create greatness out of the next to nothing that was given to us?

I am also sad, because I don't have my story. But I am determined to find my family's story. I have to take the souls of those that I carry with me back home. I have to take them back to the land of their mother's, father's, brother's, sisters. It is my duty and it is my honor.


Worm said...

Allow me to get deep for a moment, but you do have a story. Your Story starts with you. Yes you may not know much of a "back story" which leads to you being put on this planet, but more important, you do know and have some control over how the story goes.

Max said...

I agree with Lin. Your legacy is already walking the earth in the form of your children. Be proud of that.