Thursday, April 26, 2007

In Case you missed the debate last night...

As transcribed to J-Love last night -

[19:31] Me: lmao@this debate
[19:31] Me: this canidate said
[19:31] Me: sen. gravelle
[19:31] J-Love: what debate?
[19:31] Me: presidential debate
[19:31] Me:
[19:31] J-Love: oh chile
[19:31] Me: it's at South Carolina State
[19:31] J-Love: um-hmm
[19:31] Me: hilary is talking now
[19:32] J-Love: what did the candidate say?
[19:33] J-Love: (you left me hanging)
[19:33] Me: they question to him was...
[19:34] Me: it was said that when u spoke to you stated it does not matter whether or not u win or lose
[19:34] Me: why are you here then?
[19:34] Me: he said well...that was before i was on three panels with the others here
[19:34] Me: it's like being in the senate
[19:34] Me: after the first six months you in the hell did some of these people get here
[19:34] Me: LMAO!
[19:35] Me: they are talking about abortion now
[19:35] J-Love: ha!
[19:35] J-Love: that's a durn good answer
[19:35] Me: ok here come joe bidin
[19:36] Me: i heart his talking cuz he shoots himself in the foot
[19:37] J-Love: lol
[19:37] J-Love: has he did it yet?
[19:37] Me: no but he addressed it
[19:38] Me: he said he stands for what he believes that's why they say i'm so outspoken
[19:38] J-Love: then he retreats?
[19:39] Me: there really wasn't a bad question
[19:39] Me: i thought it would be
[19:48] Me: now they are talking about healthcare
[19:48] J-Love: ironically
[19:48] J-Love: so is the simpsons
[19:48] J-Love: LOL
[19:48] J-Love: jk
[19:48] Me: LMAO
[19:49] Me: lord
[19:50] Me: i missed the thumbs
[19:50] Me: rather than pointing
[19:50] Me: they use thumbs
[19:50] Me: i had forgotten about that
[19:50] J-Love: LOL
[19:50] J-Love: yes -- its passive
[19:50] J-Love: lol
[19:50] J-Love: sadly
[19:51] Me: oh wow you could have emailed your questions
[19:51] Me: how
[19:51] Me: they were asked if they support the NAACP in getting the confederate flag removed
[19:51] Me: WHA?
[19:51] J-Love: LOL!
[19:51] Me: jo bidin didnt answer the question
[19:52] J-Love: it's a hot topic in the southern states
[19:52] J-Love: lmao
[19:52] Me: he said it was best to show off the black college
[19:52] Me: WTH?
[19:52] J-Love: that must be a footnmouth question for him
[19:52] Me: obama said...the confederat flag should be in the museum
[19:52] J-Love: ha!
[19:52] Me: then he said but...we need to debate about the black infant mortality rate
[19:52] J-Love: go on barack!!!
[19:52] Me: he went off on other stuff
[19:52] Me: next question
[19:53] Me: what is the most significant political/professional mistake u made in teh last 20 years
[19:53] Me: one sentence
[19:53] Me: they tell 10
[19:53] Me: of them
[19:54] Me: hil said believing the president
[19:54] Me: barak said
[19:54] Me: when he first arrived in the senate and terry shivold
[19:54] Me: and the bill that the congrees interfere
[19:54] Me: bidin
[19:54] Me: over estimating the confidence in the admin. and underestimating the arrogance
[19:54] Me: john edwards
[19:54] Me: voting for the war
[19:55] Me: on the war
[19:55] Me: Gov. Richards - impatient
[19:55] Me: richardson
[19:55] Me: his answer is too long
[19:55] Me: he said raising the min wage by ramming it down their throats
[19:55] J-Love: lol
[19:55] J-Love: i don't have to watch debats
[19:55] J-Love: i just IM you
[19:55] Me: u got me
[19:56] Me: now they are talking about immigration
[19:56] Me: Question for bidin
[19:56] Me: least number of people going for science and will u change it?
[19:57] Me: he said change the format of education now. smaller classes and better teachers
[19:57] Me: LAWD
[19:57] Me: Drug Test should be for welfar recipient
[19:57] J-Love: um ...
[19:57] Me: Sen. Dodd said no
[19:57] J-Love: what???
[19:57] J-Love: how da helllllll
[19:57] Me: the family needs help not just that one person
[19:57] J-Love: does that promote the science and engineering studies???
[19:57] J-Love: wtf??:
[19:57] J-Love: did he hear the question??
[19:57] Me: ok sen edwards....Why is gas still high
[19:58] Me: edwards said because the demand is high
[19:58] J-Love: LMAO
[19:58] J-Love: economics class
[19:58] J-Love: he got a D
[19:58] Me: i paraphrased
[19:58] Me: LMAO
[19:58] Me: he said ask american to be patriotic about something other than war but to conserve
[19:58] J-Love: real answer - our pres is an oil man himself
[19:58] Me: ok a lady wants to drop med insurance cuz it costs too much
[19:59] Me: Sen Kucinich says....
[19:59] Me: premiums copays deductibles profit the insurance companies
[19:59] Me: he wants universal healthcare not for profit
[19:59] Me: we are already paying for it just not getting it
[19:59] Me: ok a one sentence question
[19:59] Me: lawd he has to find it
[19:59] J-Love: he must plan to move the country to the european continent
[20:00] Me: while sittin in the oval the first thing u want to accomplish on teh first day
[20:00] Me: richardson - get us out of iraq
[20:00] Me: then he gave 3 other days
[20:00] Me: shut up
[20:00] Me: they said day one
[20:00] Me: he is on day 4
[20:00] Me: he took all the time
[20:00] Me: LOL
[20:01] Me: ok final half hour
[20:01] Me: new category
[20:01] J-Love: dang
[20:01] J-Love: 4 days?
[20:01] Me: 3 most imporant allies
[20:01] Me: Barak - european nations as a whole
[20:01] Me: then some other stuff about afghanistan
[20:01] Me: ok now he says look east
[20:02] Me: Japan
[20:02] Me: China
[20:02] Me: ok there are three
[20:02] Me: shut it barak
[20:02] Me: *still talking*
[20:02] Me: the dude said u didn't mention isreal
[20:02] Me: and barak says
[20:02] Me: well never mind
[20:02] Me: too much
[20:03] Me: Bidin...three nations that are the biggest threats
[20:03] Me: N Korea
[20:03] Me: Iran
[20:03] Me: and....Putin in USSR
[20:03] Me: side note - he is on the senate foriegn relations committee
[20:04] Me: now back to our program
[20:04] Me: he said there needs to be conduct change not regime change
[20:04] Me: he said the admin says..give up your weapns and we'll be your friend...and then we take them out
[20:04] Me: LMAO
[20:04] Me: Sen Gravel said...we have no imporant enemies
[20:04] Me: who are we afraid of? who are u afraid of
[20:04] Me: iraq was never a threat and we invaded them
[20:05] Me: military controls our gov and culture
[20:05] Me: GO MAN
[20:05] Me: Edward...russia friend or foe...he says....
[20:05] J-Love: lol
[20:05] Me: it's Putin's fault they are no longer a democracy
[20:06] Me: he said we should ask does america change the underlying dynamic happen in this world?
[20:06] Me: he says...the world must see US as a force for good again
[20:06] Me: and some examples of how......
[20:06] Me: Gov Richardson.....
[20:06] Me: How would u do things differently for russia?
[20:06] Me: What do we want - control wepaons
[20:07] Me: human in dealing with chechneia
[20:07] Me: promote more democracy
[20:07] Me: then he's says
[20:07] Me: 1. being stubborn isn't a foreign policy
[20:07] Me: 2. power without diplomacy is blind
[20:07] Me: he said deal with the real threats
[20:07] Me: 3. deal with Darfur
[20:07] Me: why does america not care about Africa
[20:07] Me: Genocide
[20:08] Me: International Poverty
[20:08] Me: Now for Hillary....
[20:08] Me: How do u think that notion of republicans as protectors has taken on?
[20:08] Me: she says....
[20:08] Me: convince admin to do things to make us work as safer
[20:08] Me: disconnect as rhetoric and reality
[20:08] J-Love: lmao -- i got a free transcriber!!
[20:09] Me: LOL!
[20:09] Me: cuz i know u are wanting to now
[20:09] Me: says admin has hyped the fear but not delivered safer
[20:09] Me: and our foriegn policy has made the world less safer
[20:09] Me: now for DOdd...same question as hil's
[20:09] Me: and he says....
[20:09] Me: blah blah blah
[20:09] Me: it's a myth in a sense
[20:10] Me: great term "stateless terrorism"
[20:10] Me: we gotta use that
[20:11] Me: Do you believe as global war on terror
[20:11] J-Love: in everyday convo?
[20:11] Me: congressman kucinich - cuz it's a fluff for war
[20:11] Me: i paraphrased
[20:12] Me: basically he's saying it's an excuse to go to war
[20:12] Me: Obama now....if two american cities were hit by terrorists and by al queida
[20:12] Me: how would u change military overseas
[20:13] Me: said make sure we have an effective emergency response (unlike new orleans..he said that)
[20:13] Me: and make sure we had good intelligence
[20:13] Me: LMAO
[20:13] Me: is it really al queida is what he was saying
[20:13] Me: he said don't alienate the world community on faulty intelligence
[20:13] J-Love: hmm
[20:13] Me: make sure we are talking to the international community we can't defeat terrorists on our own
[20:13] Me: Sen. Edwards...same question....
[20:14] Me: here we go...
[20:14] Me: 1. be certian we knew who was responsible
[20:14] Me: 2. find how this happened without intelligence finding out first
[20:14] Me: how did they get through homeland security?
[20:14] Me: did the weapons come through our ports
[20:14] J-Love: restating 2 -- HOW DA HELL did they get through homeland
[20:14] Me: LMAO
[20:14] Me: RITE
[20:15] Me: Sen Clinton
[20:15] Me: same question
[20:15] Me: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[20:15] Me: must move as swiftly as is prudent
[20:15] Me: determin who is behind and if nations who supported it...
[20:16] Me: we should quickly respond
[20:16] Me: don't look for other fights
[20:16] J-Love: kill the waaabbitt
[20:16] Me: LOL!
[20:16] J-Love: kill the wabbitttt
[20:16] Me: impeach cheney
[20:16] Me: nobody wants to do it but one person
[20:17] Me: Kucin....
[20:17] Me: he is holding a pocket copy of the constution
[20:17] Me: LMAO
[20:17] Me: he is trying to get him impeached
[20:17] Me: he said we were taken to war on lies
[20:17] Me: mr. cheney must be held accountable
[20:18] Me: erebodee else is a coward...
[20:18] Me: paraphrased of course
[20:18] Me: Sen. Dodd now...civil unions
[20:18] Me: difference between gay marriage and civil unions
[20:18] Me: he says...
[20:18] Me: what would u do if they were your own children.
[20:19] Me: he's proud to conn for saying yes to civil unions
[20:19] J-Love: LOL
[20:19] Me: he does not support same sex marriage
[20:19] J-Love: he got that from the group city high
[20:19] J-Love: "what would you do ... "
[20:19] J-Love: lol
[20:19] Me: lmao
[20:19] Me: Bidin now.....
[20:19] Me: hot air on climate energy...what would u propose
[20:19] Me: make an equivalent of manhattan project
[20:20] Me: bill for autos be be flex fueled
[20:20] Me: and some other conservation things
[20:20] Me: he has a bill on the table
[20:20] Me: he and barak
[20:20] Me: talking abot Fidel
[20:20] Me: lord
[20:20] Me: lord
[20:20] J-Love: damnit
[20:21] Me: he went on another question
[20:21] J-Love: i gotta turn off this sound
[20:21] Me: WTH?
[20:21] J-Love: b/c everytime you hit enter
[20:21] J-Love: my head hurt
[20:21] Me: he's talking about another question
[20:21] Me: now for Castro...find ways to deal with post democratic cuba
[20:21] Me: bring cuban americans into dialog
[20:21] Me: change policy that limits visits
[20:21] Me: so he doesn't want to deal with castro
[20:22] J-Love: where is hiram, ga?
[20:22] Me: idunno
[20:22] J-Love: north, south, east west?
[20:22] Me: Gravel ... is us behind in nuclear energy
[20:22] Me: he said no cuz .......
[20:22] Me: cuz he has done alot while being in senate for 26 years
[20:23] Me: we have mis characterized terrorism
[20:23] Me: we are as success at that as we are in fighting drugs
[20:23] Me: LMAO
[20:23] Me: he's on something else
[20:23] Me: LMAO
[20:23] Me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahha
[20:23] Me: hahahahahahahahahhaha
[20:23] J-Love: what the h??
[20:23] J-Love: we lost both
[20:23] Me: how did he flip it
[20:23] Me: that's what he's saying
[20:24] J-Love: we just profit better on the drug one
[20:24] Me: lawd obama is flipping it too
[20:24] Me: fromenviroment
[20:24] Me: lightbulbs
[20:24] Me: to terrorism
[20:24] Me: WTH?
[20:24] Me: how do u go to energy saving bulbs
[20:24] Me: to terrorism?
[20:25] Me: Sen Kucinich says
[20:25] Me: obama u are setting up for another war
[20:25] Me: over oil
[20:25] Me: that's what the wars are about
[20:25] Me: obama says....
[20:25] Me: it's a mistake to go to iran
[20:26] Me: but if they had weapons they would be a threat
[20:26] Me: uh oh
[20:26] Me: verbal fight
[20:26] Me: with hilary in the middle lookin like
[20:26] Me: who
[20:26] Me: da
[20:26] Me: hewl
[20:26] Me: Gavel says
[20:26] J-Love: lmao
[20:26] Me: lmao!
[20:26] Me: hahahahaha
[20:27] Me: he says recognize what we arent doing isnt working cuz we are the greatest violator
[20:27] Me: LMAO
[20:27] Me: hahahahha
[20:27] Me: Edwards ...who is yoru moral leader
[20:27] Me: he's silent
[20:27] Me: hahahhaa
[20:27] Me: he said not one person
[20:27] Me: my Lord
[20:27] J-Love: LOL!
[20:27] Me: my wife
[20:27] Me: well u found one
[20:27] Me: oops another
[20:27] Me: my father
[20:28] Me: girl he was dead silent at first
[20:28] Me: lookin like uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[20:28] Me: shit i dunno
[20:28] Me: walmart a good or bad thing?
[20:28] Me: mixed blessing
[20:29] Me: and she's saying how...blah blah blah
[20:29] Me: says middle class to working americans are invisible
[20:29] Me: to corporations and the whitehouse
[20:30] Me: Bidin....if demcratic party goes down...modern day extinction in demo
[20:30] Me: he said all of them are winners
[20:30] Me: says wishing for hillary is making a mistake
[20:30] Me: he says stop happy talking about no war
[20:30] Me: LMAO
[20:30] Me: that is it
[20:30] Me: Republicans a week from tonite
[20:30] Me: i'll be translating u again
[20:31] Me: *applause*
[20:31] J-Love: LMAO
[20:31] J-Love: =D>

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