Thursday, April 26, 2007

30 Random Mate Requirements

The first time I married for stupid love. The next time there are rules. Now they are not in any order, but here they are.

1. Already has at least one child - I'm not having anymore Buddy!
2. Has a job and/or has own business - own business does not mean paper route.
3. Has a GOOD relationship with God -
4. Loves music - it is my passion and the person would have to understand.
5. Is patient - both of us can't be impatient. (working on it)
6. Has lived on his own for more than 5 years - "I just moved out of my mama's house" need not apply.
7. Has white teeth - I have a great dental plan. If he works, he should too. No Grillz!
8. Has all of his teeth - not much to say to that
9. Is Black - I love all of God's people...I want a black man
10. Knows he's black - sometimes we get comfortable and forget. I need him to know who Kunta Kente was.
11. Loves Min. Farrakhan - One slip of something bad said about him and it's over.
12. Loves himself - I have the responsibility to rear my children to have self love. I just don't have the room to teach someone else. Been there...done that...too exhausting.
13. Loves Hip Hop - same reason as music.
14. Can hold intelligent conversations - those filled with just "what's up, what are you doing, what's the deal" should be reserved for the 13 - 21 age range.
15. Has his own car - I am DONE playing taxi.
16. Has at least a 5 year economic/professional/personal plan - not "in five years I plan on being released from jail."
17. Is consistently re-evaluating self - we aren't all we can be at this moment.
18. Has a 401-K or some equivalent for the future - You can't just live for today.
19. Is a closet or external Freedom Fighter - No Justice! No Peace!
20. Loves to travel - we can't live in our bubbles.
21. Pays his child support - Deadbeats, please exit stage left.
22. No ex-person drama - No Lifetime Movie Channel mess for me.
23. Can Cook - I'm not the only person in the world who knows how to turn on an oven.
24. Is Affectionate - now...sticking your tongue down my throat in an attempt to tickle my esophagus while in public is not appropriate, but let a sister know she's important.
25. Has a good sense of humor - Dry bones need to stay in the grave.
26. Is free of mental disease or defects - I am not running an asylum.
27. Is free of sexual disease or defects - I am not running a free clinic nor an enlargement program.
28. Can read - You do not have to be a genius, but if he does have that problem...check into an adult literacy program.
29. Is a handy man - all the men who had a hand in my development could: Fix cars, Build houses, Perform maintenance on the houses they built. I want that to continue.
30. Is not morbidly obese - now I am not a small woman, but I need a man to be able to walk up a flight of stairs and not require a respirator waiting at the top.

1 comment:

stephenomenal said...

well run a tight ship. how many candidates have you narrowed it down to?

do we REALLY know who Kunta Kinte was? ;)