Monday, April 30, 2007


This year I want a house in this neighborhood or somewhere like it: Now in order to make that dream come true, I have to start baking some extra bread...ya dig? My son said to me yesterday, "Ma I wish I could get a job and work so you don't have to work so hard." And that is the example of a woman that I want him to know. One who is going to work hard to get what her family deserves. One who will not wait on anyone to give it but to go find the opportunity to snatch it up. With that being's all about the money right now.

Tashie Clockin Dollaz

Thursday, April 26, 2007

In Case you missed the debate last night...

As transcribed to J-Love last night -

[19:31] Me: lmao@this debate
[19:31] Me: this canidate said
[19:31] Me: sen. gravelle
[19:31] J-Love: what debate?
[19:31] Me: presidential debate
[19:31] Me:
[19:31] J-Love: oh chile
[19:31] Me: it's at South Carolina State
[19:31] J-Love: um-hmm
[19:31] Me: hilary is talking now
[19:32] J-Love: what did the candidate say?
[19:33] J-Love: (you left me hanging)
[19:33] Me: they question to him was...
[19:34] Me: it was said that when u spoke to you stated it does not matter whether or not u win or lose
[19:34] Me: why are you here then?
[19:34] Me: he said well...that was before i was on three panels with the others here
[19:34] Me: it's like being in the senate
[19:34] Me: after the first six months you in the hell did some of these people get here
[19:34] Me: LMAO!
[19:35] Me: they are talking about abortion now
[19:35] J-Love: ha!
[19:35] J-Love: that's a durn good answer
[19:35] Me: ok here come joe bidin
[19:36] Me: i heart his talking cuz he shoots himself in the foot
[19:37] J-Love: lol
[19:37] J-Love: has he did it yet?
[19:37] Me: no but he addressed it
[19:38] Me: he said he stands for what he believes that's why they say i'm so outspoken
[19:38] J-Love: then he retreats?
[19:39] Me: there really wasn't a bad question
[19:39] Me: i thought it would be
[19:48] Me: now they are talking about healthcare
[19:48] J-Love: ironically
[19:48] J-Love: so is the simpsons
[19:48] J-Love: LOL
[19:48] J-Love: jk
[19:48] Me: LMAO
[19:49] Me: lord
[19:50] Me: i missed the thumbs
[19:50] Me: rather than pointing
[19:50] Me: they use thumbs
[19:50] Me: i had forgotten about that
[19:50] J-Love: LOL
[19:50] J-Love: yes -- its passive
[19:50] J-Love: lol
[19:50] J-Love: sadly
[19:51] Me: oh wow you could have emailed your questions
[19:51] Me: how
[19:51] Me: they were asked if they support the NAACP in getting the confederate flag removed
[19:51] Me: WHA?
[19:51] J-Love: LOL!
[19:51] Me: jo bidin didnt answer the question
[19:52] J-Love: it's a hot topic in the southern states
[19:52] J-Love: lmao
[19:52] Me: he said it was best to show off the black college
[19:52] Me: WTH?
[19:52] J-Love: that must be a footnmouth question for him
[19:52] Me: obama said...the confederat flag should be in the museum
[19:52] J-Love: ha!
[19:52] Me: then he said but...we need to debate about the black infant mortality rate
[19:52] J-Love: go on barack!!!
[19:52] Me: he went off on other stuff
[19:52] Me: next question
[19:53] Me: what is the most significant political/professional mistake u made in teh last 20 years
[19:53] Me: one sentence
[19:53] Me: they tell 10
[19:53] Me: of them
[19:54] Me: hil said believing the president
[19:54] Me: barak said
[19:54] Me: when he first arrived in the senate and terry shivold
[19:54] Me: and the bill that the congrees interfere
[19:54] Me: bidin
[19:54] Me: over estimating the confidence in the admin. and underestimating the arrogance
[19:54] Me: john edwards
[19:54] Me: voting for the war
[19:55] Me: on the war
[19:55] Me: Gov. Richards - impatient
[19:55] Me: richardson
[19:55] Me: his answer is too long
[19:55] Me: he said raising the min wage by ramming it down their throats
[19:55] J-Love: lol
[19:55] J-Love: i don't have to watch debats
[19:55] J-Love: i just IM you
[19:55] Me: u got me
[19:56] Me: now they are talking about immigration
[19:56] Me: Question for bidin
[19:56] Me: least number of people going for science and will u change it?
[19:57] Me: he said change the format of education now. smaller classes and better teachers
[19:57] Me: LAWD
[19:57] Me: Drug Test should be for welfar recipient
[19:57] J-Love: um ...
[19:57] Me: Sen. Dodd said no
[19:57] J-Love: what???
[19:57] J-Love: how da helllllll
[19:57] Me: the family needs help not just that one person
[19:57] J-Love: does that promote the science and engineering studies???
[19:57] J-Love: wtf??:
[19:57] J-Love: did he hear the question??
[19:57] Me: ok sen edwards....Why is gas still high
[19:58] Me: edwards said because the demand is high
[19:58] J-Love: LMAO
[19:58] J-Love: economics class
[19:58] J-Love: he got a D
[19:58] Me: i paraphrased
[19:58] Me: LMAO
[19:58] Me: he said ask american to be patriotic about something other than war but to conserve
[19:58] J-Love: real answer - our pres is an oil man himself
[19:58] Me: ok a lady wants to drop med insurance cuz it costs too much
[19:59] Me: Sen Kucinich says....
[19:59] Me: premiums copays deductibles profit the insurance companies
[19:59] Me: he wants universal healthcare not for profit
[19:59] Me: we are already paying for it just not getting it
[19:59] Me: ok a one sentence question
[19:59] Me: lawd he has to find it
[19:59] J-Love: he must plan to move the country to the european continent
[20:00] Me: while sittin in the oval the first thing u want to accomplish on teh first day
[20:00] Me: richardson - get us out of iraq
[20:00] Me: then he gave 3 other days
[20:00] Me: shut up
[20:00] Me: they said day one
[20:00] Me: he is on day 4
[20:00] Me: he took all the time
[20:00] Me: LOL
[20:01] Me: ok final half hour
[20:01] Me: new category
[20:01] J-Love: dang
[20:01] J-Love: 4 days?
[20:01] Me: 3 most imporant allies
[20:01] Me: Barak - european nations as a whole
[20:01] Me: then some other stuff about afghanistan
[20:01] Me: ok now he says look east
[20:02] Me: Japan
[20:02] Me: China
[20:02] Me: ok there are three
[20:02] Me: shut it barak
[20:02] Me: *still talking*
[20:02] Me: the dude said u didn't mention isreal
[20:02] Me: and barak says
[20:02] Me: well never mind
[20:02] Me: too much
[20:03] Me: Bidin...three nations that are the biggest threats
[20:03] Me: N Korea
[20:03] Me: Iran
[20:03] Me: and....Putin in USSR
[20:03] Me: side note - he is on the senate foriegn relations committee
[20:04] Me: now back to our program
[20:04] Me: he said there needs to be conduct change not regime change
[20:04] Me: he said the admin says..give up your weapns and we'll be your friend...and then we take them out
[20:04] Me: LMAO
[20:04] Me: Sen Gravel said...we have no imporant enemies
[20:04] Me: who are we afraid of? who are u afraid of
[20:04] Me: iraq was never a threat and we invaded them
[20:05] Me: military controls our gov and culture
[20:05] Me: GO MAN
[20:05] Me: Edward...russia friend or foe...he says....
[20:05] J-Love: lol
[20:05] Me: it's Putin's fault they are no longer a democracy
[20:06] Me: he said we should ask does america change the underlying dynamic happen in this world?
[20:06] Me: he says...the world must see US as a force for good again
[20:06] Me: and some examples of how......
[20:06] Me: Gov Richardson.....
[20:06] Me: How would u do things differently for russia?
[20:06] Me: What do we want - control wepaons
[20:07] Me: human in dealing with chechneia
[20:07] Me: promote more democracy
[20:07] Me: then he's says
[20:07] Me: 1. being stubborn isn't a foreign policy
[20:07] Me: 2. power without diplomacy is blind
[20:07] Me: he said deal with the real threats
[20:07] Me: 3. deal with Darfur
[20:07] Me: why does america not care about Africa
[20:07] Me: Genocide
[20:08] Me: International Poverty
[20:08] Me: Now for Hillary....
[20:08] Me: How do u think that notion of republicans as protectors has taken on?
[20:08] Me: she says....
[20:08] Me: convince admin to do things to make us work as safer
[20:08] Me: disconnect as rhetoric and reality
[20:08] J-Love: lmao -- i got a free transcriber!!
[20:09] Me: LOL!
[20:09] Me: cuz i know u are wanting to now
[20:09] Me: says admin has hyped the fear but not delivered safer
[20:09] Me: and our foriegn policy has made the world less safer
[20:09] Me: now for DOdd...same question as hil's
[20:09] Me: and he says....
[20:09] Me: blah blah blah
[20:09] Me: it's a myth in a sense
[20:10] Me: great term "stateless terrorism"
[20:10] Me: we gotta use that
[20:11] Me: Do you believe as global war on terror
[20:11] J-Love: in everyday convo?
[20:11] Me: congressman kucinich - cuz it's a fluff for war
[20:11] Me: i paraphrased
[20:12] Me: basically he's saying it's an excuse to go to war
[20:12] Me: Obama now....if two american cities were hit by terrorists and by al queida
[20:12] Me: how would u change military overseas
[20:13] Me: said make sure we have an effective emergency response (unlike new orleans..he said that)
[20:13] Me: and make sure we had good intelligence
[20:13] Me: LMAO
[20:13] Me: is it really al queida is what he was saying
[20:13] Me: he said don't alienate the world community on faulty intelligence
[20:13] J-Love: hmm
[20:13] Me: make sure we are talking to the international community we can't defeat terrorists on our own
[20:13] Me: Sen. Edwards...same question....
[20:14] Me: here we go...
[20:14] Me: 1. be certian we knew who was responsible
[20:14] Me: 2. find how this happened without intelligence finding out first
[20:14] Me: how did they get through homeland security?
[20:14] Me: did the weapons come through our ports
[20:14] J-Love: restating 2 -- HOW DA HELL did they get through homeland
[20:14] Me: LMAO
[20:14] Me: RITE
[20:15] Me: Sen Clinton
[20:15] Me: same question
[20:15] Me: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[20:15] Me: must move as swiftly as is prudent
[20:15] Me: determin who is behind and if nations who supported it...
[20:16] Me: we should quickly respond
[20:16] Me: don't look for other fights
[20:16] J-Love: kill the waaabbitt
[20:16] Me: LOL!
[20:16] J-Love: kill the wabbitttt
[20:16] Me: impeach cheney
[20:16] Me: nobody wants to do it but one person
[20:17] Me: Kucin....
[20:17] Me: he is holding a pocket copy of the constution
[20:17] Me: LMAO
[20:17] Me: he is trying to get him impeached
[20:17] Me: he said we were taken to war on lies
[20:17] Me: mr. cheney must be held accountable
[20:18] Me: erebodee else is a coward...
[20:18] Me: paraphrased of course
[20:18] Me: Sen. Dodd now...civil unions
[20:18] Me: difference between gay marriage and civil unions
[20:18] Me: he says...
[20:18] Me: what would u do if they were your own children.
[20:19] Me: he's proud to conn for saying yes to civil unions
[20:19] J-Love: LOL
[20:19] Me: he does not support same sex marriage
[20:19] J-Love: he got that from the group city high
[20:19] J-Love: "what would you do ... "
[20:19] J-Love: lol
[20:19] Me: lmao
[20:19] Me: Bidin now.....
[20:19] Me: hot air on climate energy...what would u propose
[20:19] Me: make an equivalent of manhattan project
[20:20] Me: bill for autos be be flex fueled
[20:20] Me: and some other conservation things
[20:20] Me: he has a bill on the table
[20:20] Me: he and barak
[20:20] Me: talking abot Fidel
[20:20] Me: lord
[20:20] Me: lord
[20:20] J-Love: damnit
[20:21] Me: he went on another question
[20:21] J-Love: i gotta turn off this sound
[20:21] Me: WTH?
[20:21] J-Love: b/c everytime you hit enter
[20:21] J-Love: my head hurt
[20:21] Me: he's talking about another question
[20:21] Me: now for Castro...find ways to deal with post democratic cuba
[20:21] Me: bring cuban americans into dialog
[20:21] Me: change policy that limits visits
[20:21] Me: so he doesn't want to deal with castro
[20:22] J-Love: where is hiram, ga?
[20:22] Me: idunno
[20:22] J-Love: north, south, east west?
[20:22] Me: Gravel ... is us behind in nuclear energy
[20:22] Me: he said no cuz .......
[20:22] Me: cuz he has done alot while being in senate for 26 years
[20:23] Me: we have mis characterized terrorism
[20:23] Me: we are as success at that as we are in fighting drugs
[20:23] Me: LMAO
[20:23] Me: he's on something else
[20:23] Me: LMAO
[20:23] Me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahha
[20:23] Me: hahahahahahahahahhaha
[20:23] J-Love: what the h??
[20:23] J-Love: we lost both
[20:23] Me: how did he flip it
[20:23] Me: that's what he's saying
[20:24] J-Love: we just profit better on the drug one
[20:24] Me: lawd obama is flipping it too
[20:24] Me: fromenviroment
[20:24] Me: lightbulbs
[20:24] Me: to terrorism
[20:24] Me: WTH?
[20:24] Me: how do u go to energy saving bulbs
[20:24] Me: to terrorism?
[20:25] Me: Sen Kucinich says
[20:25] Me: obama u are setting up for another war
[20:25] Me: over oil
[20:25] Me: that's what the wars are about
[20:25] Me: obama says....
[20:25] Me: it's a mistake to go to iran
[20:26] Me: but if they had weapons they would be a threat
[20:26] Me: uh oh
[20:26] Me: verbal fight
[20:26] Me: with hilary in the middle lookin like
[20:26] Me: who
[20:26] Me: da
[20:26] Me: hewl
[20:26] Me: Gavel says
[20:26] J-Love: lmao
[20:26] Me: lmao!
[20:26] Me: hahahahaha
[20:27] Me: he says recognize what we arent doing isnt working cuz we are the greatest violator
[20:27] Me: LMAO
[20:27] Me: hahahahha
[20:27] Me: Edwards ...who is yoru moral leader
[20:27] Me: he's silent
[20:27] Me: hahahhaa
[20:27] Me: he said not one person
[20:27] Me: my Lord
[20:27] J-Love: LOL!
[20:27] Me: my wife
[20:27] Me: well u found one
[20:27] Me: oops another
[20:27] Me: my father
[20:28] Me: girl he was dead silent at first
[20:28] Me: lookin like uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[20:28] Me: shit i dunno
[20:28] Me: walmart a good or bad thing?
[20:28] Me: mixed blessing
[20:29] Me: and she's saying how...blah blah blah
[20:29] Me: says middle class to working americans are invisible
[20:29] Me: to corporations and the whitehouse
[20:30] Me: Bidin....if demcratic party goes down...modern day extinction in demo
[20:30] Me: he said all of them are winners
[20:30] Me: says wishing for hillary is making a mistake
[20:30] Me: he says stop happy talking about no war
[20:30] Me: LMAO
[20:30] Me: that is it
[20:30] Me: Republicans a week from tonite
[20:30] Me: i'll be translating u again
[20:31] Me: *applause*
[20:31] J-Love: LMAO
[20:31] J-Love: =D>

30 Random Mate Requirements

The first time I married for stupid love. The next time there are rules. Now they are not in any order, but here they are.

1. Already has at least one child - I'm not having anymore Buddy!
2. Has a job and/or has own business - own business does not mean paper route.
3. Has a GOOD relationship with God -
4. Loves music - it is my passion and the person would have to understand.
5. Is patient - both of us can't be impatient. (working on it)
6. Has lived on his own for more than 5 years - "I just moved out of my mama's house" need not apply.
7. Has white teeth - I have a great dental plan. If he works, he should too. No Grillz!
8. Has all of his teeth - not much to say to that
9. Is Black - I love all of God's people...I want a black man
10. Knows he's black - sometimes we get comfortable and forget. I need him to know who Kunta Kente was.
11. Loves Min. Farrakhan - One slip of something bad said about him and it's over.
12. Loves himself - I have the responsibility to rear my children to have self love. I just don't have the room to teach someone else. Been there...done that...too exhausting.
13. Loves Hip Hop - same reason as music.
14. Can hold intelligent conversations - those filled with just "what's up, what are you doing, what's the deal" should be reserved for the 13 - 21 age range.
15. Has his own car - I am DONE playing taxi.
16. Has at least a 5 year economic/professional/personal plan - not "in five years I plan on being released from jail."
17. Is consistently re-evaluating self - we aren't all we can be at this moment.
18. Has a 401-K or some equivalent for the future - You can't just live for today.
19. Is a closet or external Freedom Fighter - No Justice! No Peace!
20. Loves to travel - we can't live in our bubbles.
21. Pays his child support - Deadbeats, please exit stage left.
22. No ex-person drama - No Lifetime Movie Channel mess for me.
23. Can Cook - I'm not the only person in the world who knows how to turn on an oven.
24. Is Affectionate - now...sticking your tongue down my throat in an attempt to tickle my esophagus while in public is not appropriate, but let a sister know she's important.
25. Has a good sense of humor - Dry bones need to stay in the grave.
26. Is free of mental disease or defects - I am not running an asylum.
27. Is free of sexual disease or defects - I am not running a free clinic nor an enlargement program.
28. Can read - You do not have to be a genius, but if he does have that problem...check into an adult literacy program.
29. Is a handy man - all the men who had a hand in my development could: Fix cars, Build houses, Perform maintenance on the houses they built. I want that to continue.
30. Is not morbidly obese - now I am not a small woman, but I need a man to be able to walk up a flight of stairs and not require a respirator waiting at the top.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Today's Rants

AM Rant:

Me: word
Sent at 9:56 AM on Wednesday
Mrs: yo
i'm tired
Me: me too and i have a headache
Mrs: i was up watchin Flava of love Charm School and I have a headache too
Me: oh no
i am gonna like charmschool
mo nique had me rollin
talking about "i kept thinking after she finishes she is still going to have to go up that hill"
Me: that chick Rain is crazy as hell
Mrs: Goldie had me howlin
tommbout Monique is a Big bitch
Mrs: LOL
i laffed so hard
Me: rain looked like pookie in her one on one
Mrs: YES
Me: i kept sayin...CHECK HER BAGS
Mrs: that bitch was high as hell
Me: yes
Mrs: I was like geez
Me: and when mo said we weren't laffin with u...we were laffin at u
Mrs: I said amen!
Mrs: them chicks should feel like shit
Rain is just insane
and Mo was right
Me: that slut pumpkin doesn't
and that Bootz chick
the only one i really feel for is Saaphirya...howeva u spell it
but she is getting on my nerves being on every show
Mrs: she's a hot bad weave having mess
pumpkin ain't shit
she needs her ass beat
Me: please lord yes
Mrs: bootz will do it
damn that chick is a hater
Me: without needing a push from anyone
who bootz?
Mrs: hatin on every thing
or was that the other one
I get them confused
Me: the one that'ssharing the room with bootz and pumpin?
they all look alike
now those are nappy headed hoes
i'm sorry
they are
and i am not apologizing to them or america for it
Mrs: LMAO!
I gotta cosign
emphasis on hoes
Me: if imus wudda said it about them...i would have cosigned
Mrs: hells yes
I'd been like he's right
Me: yes
no protest
Mrs: nobody could say shit
Me: just me chantin yestheyare
Mrs: I'd be like damn it there's video
Me: say no
to the flave hoe
say no
to the flave hoe
Mrs: lol
Me: so i'm glad u are watching that show
so i can talk about it withsomeone
cuz they did come off the short bus looking like window and everything else lickerz
Sent at 10:06 AM on Wednesday
the short bus son
why you got me holding back laffin hard in her
wiping tears
Sent at 10:10 AM on Wednesday
they just get under my skin
especially after knowing people in other countries see this mess and think that's what we are all about
Mrs: Hi, this is why folk in Greece were cuttin a fool
Me: and as hard as we have struggled to be seen as more than just property...their asses want to be equal in slutness
Mrs: My Greek friend said it's prolly cause they thought we were famous
Me: why??
ya know
why would u want to feel that's your only way to be someone. and for FLAV?
Mrs: I try to rep right and these hoes fuck it up for the rest of us
stupid hoe bitches
Monique should beat their asses
Me: he looks like one of the california raisins
Me: and that damn Buckwild
Me: she makes me feel bad for the PWT
Mrs: She ain't shit
Me: i know...that's why she makes me feel bad for them
how in the hell?
Mrs: she's so fake
and it's like she's tryin to rep for old stereotypes of black folk that we don't even embraces
Me: how do u sit there and allow her to keep on going
i wanted monique to put her ass in the fire
Mrs: word
wearing a gotdamn bubble coat in the house
why tashie?
Me: in a house
with a FIRE
and the other chicks are wearing my daughter's baby clothes
i wondered where they were
now i know
Mrs: they are whores
Me: oh
Me: and that damn hottie
Mrs: Lawd Jayzus
Me: i bet that apple was stinkin
Mrs: what the fuck is on her head
why is there yarn on her head Tash
Me: girl that was horse tail hair
she just took the horse she was fuckin's hair and put it on her head
Mrs: That fuckin apple musta smelled like badussy
It's like she bought out all the pack hair in the korean spot and put it on her head
I can't
she's a horror
Me: i said don't touch it MO
it's got tittay lint on it
that chick pulled the apple out of her bra
the worm died on the spot
Mrs: Tashie you are on a roll
that was my first thought
how do u pull an apple from your tit and think it's cool
Mrs: Holy crap
Me: oh no
Mrs: oh sit
oh shit
Me: i thought someone died or something
Mrs: I can't stop laffin
Mrs: worm died
Me: big worm
and she had rollers in her hair for the promo for future episodes
kept sayin how was she going to plug in her rollers
synthetic doesn't need melts in heat
i hate all of those chicks
except saaph
she just seems lost to me
and spoke the truth about those 50gs
Mrs: seriously you had me gettin my pump
i have a little built up frustration
Mrs: isee
Me: and i'm mad at me for watching the shows but...i get over it fast
Mrs: me too
Me: just like when i played the song Pop Lock and Drop it this weekend
i was mad at me
until i realized i was paid for it
then i got over it
but then today
i felt like a pawn for da music man
like i sold out
Mrs: LMA
i can't breeve
cuz i won't let nuri listen to the song but sho burned and played it at the party
Mrs: LOL
Me: oh did u hear they got a suspect for Jay's murder
Mrs: Yeah I heard
Me: and they pinned another murder on him
Mrs: some cat that's in jail already
Me: and i'm ready for them to say he killed biggie and tupac too
Mrs: yup
Me: cuz they said he killed tupacs associate
Mrs: put it in a nice little bow
Me: i'm like he killed everybody
Mrs: here we good
Me: Scott La Rock
Mrs: he killed Martin lutha king
Mrs: Malcolm X
Me: yes!
Mrs: shot Vernon Jordan in tha ass
Me: he killed Big L
Mrs: Freeky Tah
Me: he shot JR
Mrs: he killed every one
Me: and Mr.. Burns
Mrs: He shot Mr. Burns too
Mrs: lol
I'd like vodka instead of coke
Me: they gonna pin every murder on him
who u tellin cuz i'm this close to drinkin
i haven't been to the mosque since thursday
Mrs: no kidding
Me: and was only there to drop some papers off
and then i bounced

PM Rant:

[14:13] Me: u know what irks me
[14:13] Me: when i hear white folks say black
[14:13] Me: it's like the ack is extended
[14:13] B: LMAO
[14:13] Me: Blaaaccck
[14:14] Me: oops
[14:14] Me: blaaaccckkkuh
[14:16] B: /:)
[14:16] Me: blaackuh guy
[14:16] B: lol
[14:16] B: STOP IT!
[14:16] B: lol
[14:16] Me: see u know it's true
[14:17] B: girl u know its true
[14:17] Me: i think it's because i say it as a color
[14:17] Me: and i feel it's said by some as a label
[14:17] B: Oo Ooo Oo
[14:18] Me: kind of like what kind of cereal are u getting
[14:18] Me: blaackuh guy cereal
[14:18] B: LOL
[14:18] B: aahahaha
[14:18] Me: it has nuts in it
[14:18] Me: deez nuts? yes those
[14:18] B: LOL
[14:19] Me: ok i made myown self laff

Monday, April 16, 2007

Who in the hell is Ralph?

So...I guess this is going to be a blog about regular stuff, but more about my journey of finding my past. So last night (now that song is stuck in my head) I got on and looked up some records on my father's side. PS...thank you Stephen for KILLING KUNTA!!!

Anyway, I found some US Census records for my Great grandfather Marion Daniels and found the name of one of his other sons, Ralph Daniels. I said...who in the hell is Ralph? At first I didn't catch it because I thought maybe Ralph was my uncle Winford's real name. Then I saw the age...26 and saw he was born in 1904. This was a 1930 Census I was viewing.

Now the thing about my grandfather Marion is...when my great grandmother Alzada Green Daniels was 25, Marion was 42. His son Ralph was 26 on the census and Zeda was see my point? He was married previously and has another family out there. My grandfather has given me bits and pieces saying his nephew, which is older than him, was a coach at Durham High School many years ago. I want to go back further on my daddy's side of the family, but I also want to find that other family.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Well we just finished watching the last of "Roots". It left me feeling good, but it also left me feeling empty. The family of Alex Haley was lucky because they knew of Kunta Kente. I don't have that. I am seeking to find that.

Seeing "Roots" the first time left me feeling angry at every white person that walked the earth for making us this way. This time, I'm proud to be who I am. I am proud of the struggle. I am proud of the pain. It was through the pain, through the loss, through the anger, through the struggle that we found out who we truly. We are strong. We are smart. We are mighty. We are gods. Who else but the children of God could create greatness out of the next to nothing that was given to us?

I am also sad, because I don't have my story. But I am determined to find my family's story. I have to take the souls of those that I carry with me back home. I have to take them back to the land of their mother's, father's, brother's, sisters. It is my duty and it is my honor.