Thursday, September 15, 2011

Great Wall of Mine-nuh

Apparently I've built a wall so tall and long that climbing it seems to daunting and going around appears near impossible. Don't even think about penetrating those bricks. They weren't laid by love but by protection. I think if my emotions could have dug a moat, they would have. Filled with bone crushing alligators and flesh eating piranhas. Anyone who dared to get close, would find a nice surprise and I would leave them rotting to warn others "Enter if you Dare!"

It's been pointed out several times that my demeanor is cold and most feminine in my energy is not present. Not that I lack estrogen, vag or boobs, I'm just burned out from getting...well...burned. Why put yourself out there when the limb your hanging from is barely connected to the tree? Oh and that tree, well it's being eaten alive by parasitic insects. Yep, that's pretty much how I feel.

There has been a time when I pulled a few bricks away, enough to make a nice peep hole. But the view I had was of a shitty ass, and well, funky donkeys are not allowed on my side. So of course I can be a person of extremes and used thicker cement to hold that removed brick in place. If for nothing else, to keep the shit smell on the other side.

So here I stand, leaning against my well crafted wall. No one here but me, my thoughts and a few gnats because the donkey is steadfastly there, still on the other side.

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