Sunday, September 27, 2009

Blogging again...

I've encouraged someone to blog and journalize their thoughts, but I have not done the same. It's time to begin again. Blogging is something I initially did to alleviate the frustration that had become my life during '03. It served as my personal stress reliever and pulled somethings out of me that I did not know was there. Who knew I would be a poet. However angry some of them had become, they were still words strung together that expressed my innermost thoughts and had a little rhyme here and there.

So now...Amir is 14 and Nuri's 10. I'm now over the mid-30's hump and have grown a lot. Ok well some maybe not as much as I should have but it's growing right? Jerome is completely out of the picture, although he calls to curse me out. I tried the be your friend thing, but that will never be enough. His personality has it so you must be all or nothing. So I'm nothing and fine with being just that.

As far as anyone else from the past that lingers, there's one that keeps popping up and refuses now to disappear. I have no idea about this, but it is what it is and there you have it. Stuck. Don't know if stuck is good or bad right now. Well today and yesterday and even this past week, stuck has been good. Stuck has a way of turing bad at any moment. Not that I'm calling the bad stuck into being, I'm must be honest with myself that it is what it is.

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