Sunday, November 23, 2008

Reading Party

The spirits keep trying to give you a blessing...

Yesterday's gathering at the D-Man's house was great. It was a few people with positive energy gathered together for a cause that was not their intimate own but was personally owned by each. How do you know you are loved? When people gather for your happiness, while you are living, is an ultimate show of love and being loved.

So anyway, after a couple (only a couple) of happy punch, I was GREAT! Nuri and Amir came too and enjoyed themselves. Talk about comfortable, Nuri was asleep in front of the fire. AHHHHH! That's when you know you are among goodness. I am thankful for that goodness.

So in comes Gypsy and her cards. Who's ready for a Tarot reading??? ME!!! I had been wanting it for a while, but desired someone who was not in it for the money, but in it for the gift. And then, Gypsy. So although I was a bit afraid, she read me like she worked for the government. She saw my thoughts like she was in my mind. Like she was allowed a sneak peak in my life book.

Everyone who went in came out with a glazed look. Not like that of she did something to me, but that of how did she know? How does she know? When will I know? :) I need her once a quarter! Her being there, me being there, nothings ever a mistake. There are no such things as coincidence.

I am thankful for the message and the messenger.

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