Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fall The Fuck Back

When approaching me today, I need people to really think on the matter, make sure it's of importance and that it is presented in the right manner. Basically...I need folks to fall the fuck back.

Is it REALLY that important to bring it to me TODAY? Is it really important for me to act on it TODAY? If not, let's regroup and try on Monday. Why is my mama calling me RIGHT NOW?!?!?! I'm at work...let me have this time.

Anywho. I am for real tired of having to explain, in full force definition, why. If I decide something, no matter how great or small, and I don't offer an explanation, and you ain't paying one of my bills...don't fucking ask me why. Now there are times I choose to offer...voluntarily...however, don't drill me. I'm a grown ass woman. I have two children that I solely take care of.

Let me speak on that. How in the hell do YOU decide when and when you do not have the "extra" funds to take care of your child? No really...when did taking care of your child come out of the "extra" portion of your budget? Is there a manual somewhere that I know nothing about? When did sending a 12 year old 400 motha fuckin dollaz for chirstmas become ok when you have failed to send ANYTHING for his caretaking for 5 to 7 months? And then ask me, did you see what I gave him? The fuck? When did "I thought the money came out of my check" become acceptable? When did "I don't check my pay stubs to see" become the in thing? See those niggaz right there...

And when did I start fucking chicks? No for real. When? How is someone going to start treating me like I cheated on them? I can understand being mad, but being mad enough to just cut a friendship off? For real???? Ya know what, in my twisted mind, then we were never friends to begin with. And I don't really have friends. You are either my sister or my brother. Otherwise you are just somebody I speak to. So for real...if you say fuck it and fuck me...I say fuck it all and add that to "friendship" to the bullshit graveyard and keep it moving. And I don't believe in reincarnation so please...don't come back.

Now on to other mothafuckas friends trying to test me. For real...tell your girl...your boy...wateva..the don't want it with me. They are your friend, not mine so keep that shit between and betwix ya'll. Unless ya'lls convos or outings have something positive that I MAY want to know know about...let me stress may...then keep it with ya'll. I don't give a fuck about them and apparently they don't about me, so keep me out of ya'lls conversations for real. Make our relationship a non-topic. Cuz for real...I'm not the one. Folks hate it when people are actually happy. When they are used to seeing you down, any other type of "mode" they find you in causes uneasyness with them and they can't deal. Fucking tattle-tale, 3rd grade, drama, bitch shit mothafuckaz.

Maybe this weekend will be better.