Monday, March 31, 2008

Three Engagements and a Wedding

So B, Nuri, Amir and I went to the bridal store Saturday and tried on dresses.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Making Nice

So now I'm feeling better. The bank FINALLY gave me my money after I went off on their Customer Service. Dumb Bitch.

Jerry made nice because he knows when Stasha comes...Hell follows. He asked again when Max's party is and said AGAIN that he's sending me to it. BROOKLYNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! He's doing a show in April and using the dough for that for the ticket. Said I deserved the fun with my peoples.

So...he found out Max is a SAG also and is making sure she comes to the party in November. Uhm she was already coming maybe? Cuz...I was gonna make sure she came. However nice to be excited about her coming. FYI...she won't give a shit about his excitement. That's my girl!

Just went to a boring ass PTA meeting. MY many power point slides can a person fumble through? On the upside, they fed us some great food and they were not stingy. Nuri is such a girl too. I watched her and her crew giggle, make faces and act extra. It was cute and reminded me of my TWEEN years.

Looks like the book is going to come along. Jerry went to a book signing today and networked with the publisher. She needs the full draft and then she'll take it from there. Good Look Chad on the cards.

Looks like it's going to be a good night.

Fall The Fuck Back

When approaching me today, I need people to really think on the matter, make sure it's of importance and that it is presented in the right manner. Basically...I need folks to fall the fuck back.

Is it REALLY that important to bring it to me TODAY? Is it really important for me to act on it TODAY? If not, let's regroup and try on Monday. Why is my mama calling me RIGHT NOW?!?!?! I'm at work...let me have this time.

Anywho. I am for real tired of having to explain, in full force definition, why. If I decide something, no matter how great or small, and I don't offer an explanation, and you ain't paying one of my bills...don't fucking ask me why. Now there are times I choose to offer...voluntarily...however, don't drill me. I'm a grown ass woman. I have two children that I solely take care of.

Let me speak on that. How in the hell do YOU decide when and when you do not have the "extra" funds to take care of your child? No really...when did taking care of your child come out of the "extra" portion of your budget? Is there a manual somewhere that I know nothing about? When did sending a 12 year old 400 motha fuckin dollaz for chirstmas become ok when you have failed to send ANYTHING for his caretaking for 5 to 7 months? And then ask me, did you see what I gave him? The fuck? When did "I thought the money came out of my check" become acceptable? When did "I don't check my pay stubs to see" become the in thing? See those niggaz right there...

And when did I start fucking chicks? No for real. When? How is someone going to start treating me like I cheated on them? I can understand being mad, but being mad enough to just cut a friendship off? For real???? Ya know what, in my twisted mind, then we were never friends to begin with. And I don't really have friends. You are either my sister or my brother. Otherwise you are just somebody I speak to. So for real...if you say fuck it and fuck me...I say fuck it all and add that to "friendship" to the bullshit graveyard and keep it moving. And I don't believe in reincarnation so please...don't come back.

Now on to other mothafuckas friends trying to test me. For real...tell your girl...your boy...wateva..the don't want it with me. They are your friend, not mine so keep that shit between and betwix ya'll. Unless ya'lls convos or outings have something positive that I MAY want to know know about...let me stress may...then keep it with ya'll. I don't give a fuck about them and apparently they don't about me, so keep me out of ya'lls conversations for real. Make our relationship a non-topic. Cuz for real...I'm not the one. Folks hate it when people are actually happy. When they are used to seeing you down, any other type of "mode" they find you in causes uneasyness with them and they can't deal. Fucking tattle-tale, 3rd grade, drama, bitch shit mothafuckaz.

Maybe this weekend will be better.

See this bullshit right here...

Natasha: and i said well don't even worry about it
i think we got a bonus or soemthing
so really she aint speaking to me
ok i'm pissed about that bitch shit
ok i'm done
B: damn
Natasha: and i aint speaking to jerome
cuz that nigga there
B: what nigga?
Natasha: jerome
oh everybody that has pissed me off is a nigga
Natasha: chicki or dude
B: okay
Natasha: nigga
B: i was confused for a sec
i'm like..wha..
what did he do now?
Natasha: oh his girl
told him about me and busy
about a few weeks ago
sorry i was filling max in on how everybody's a nigga
and she's like holy shit
i hate everyone too
i wanna fight too
B: lol
she stupid
Natasha: she said everybody is stupid fuck today
so yeah her name is Missy
jerome's friend
she told him about me and Busy
it's not the fact that she told him
it's how it went down
she asks him about me on the often
she waits until i'm coming up
until she finds out how we are getting closer
to tell him
but she's known for about a year
and felt he should know
if u felt so strongly he should know
did u not tell him a while ago
so u want some drama?
B: basically
Natasha: dis bitch took off work
drove from Connecticut
to tell him
then the bitch started crying
talkin bout i dn't want u to go back out in the streets
behind this
"i felt if you found out you would go back out in the streets because you would be so hurt"
THEN...why did u tell him?
B: was her phone broke?
Natasha: she
then kept asking...what are you going to do?
and he said nothing
i love tasha
we weren't together
Natasha: so she goes
are you sure?
he was like it don't make a difference to me
fast forward
two weeks...i'm in NYC
he has it on his mind
kept hinting
saying "i haven't been with anybody since i've bene with you"
blah blah blah
"i dont want to know what you did when we weren't together"
well i knew then but i said nothing because he didn't ask and it wasn't his business
fast forward to monday
i get the...
i have two questions to ask you and i want to know if you will tell me the truth and promise to answer it
i say...the hell...are we in high school
just ask the damn question
he says it doesn't matter what the answers are because it changes nothing
i say...then why are u asking
that's dumb
B: lol
Natasha: i am such a bitch
he asks the first question...i can't even remember what it is
second one was about busy
i said why are u asking me this
he said just wondering
i call bullshit now why are u asking
i said because u asked i will answer
and i told him
i also said it really is none of your business but since someone probably filled your ear with sume bullshit...i told you
so i asked who told him
he told me missy and told me what happened
and that he wanted to ask me while i was in NY but he knew i would go off
Sent at 10:37 AM on Thursday
Natasha: so fastforward to yesterday
cuz i had time for that shit to sink in
and other stuff to piss me the fuck off
and he tells me...she's just looking out for me
she just loves me
i call bullshit again
i say don't try to make me like her
i don't
i wont
don't ask me to hang out with her. i pass now for future events
he says well i told her what you said and she gives you credit for telling the truth. you actually got her quiet
i said that was supposed to make me feel better
FUCK HER and her credit
i don't give a fuck about her and what she thinks
the fact that she's planting bullshit seeds is what's making me heated
and the fact that you are giving reports to her makes me wanna say fuck you too
i was cussin like a drunken sailor playa
yeah, telling you that he told her
Natasha: RIGHT
see u know me
and u know how i was gonna react
so he doesn't understand why i'm pissed at him
i kept trying to say becaue u fed into the bullshit she was brining
B: right
Natasha: the fact that it stayed on your mind even tho u say it "doesn't matter"
it mattered
it mattered enuff for you to report back that i said yes
or as you say i confessed
what were ya'll trying to test me?
for real?
nigga u dont see me bringing cups and shit to new york for a urine sample
and u testing me
on some shit i did three years ago and we WERENT TOGETHER
and he aint one of your boys at all...matter of fact u haven't had a decent convo with this dude in 20years
he was like i love you tasha and u are letting this push you away from me
i said u should have kept it
if it didn't matter
he said well i felt u needed to clear your conscious and the air
MY conscious and air were VERY CLEAR
the fuck u think u dealing with?
i aint her
that chick
so basically
i got off the phone
aint talked to him since
betwix him, my mama, vic's bullshit, antwon (wayne) and work...
i need a vacation
ok my rant is done
i may blog the rant
B: you should
it's cathartic.