Friday, February 22, 2008

The Focus Can't Be On Me

Everyday life has a chance to send you to a curve in the road that you didn’t know was there. Today was my chance. How do you handle a situation where you are the protected, but one of those you have vowed to protect with your life is hurt? How do you forgive yourself for allowing someone to slip through your tight grip you thought you had? But the focus now can’t be on me. It has to be on the one I love.

The lioness in me wants to take action. Not the kind of action that is coupled with love, but the action that serves as a pre-requisite to a life sentence. No one knows how you will react until you get this situation, this demon, this humanly inconceivable thing placed in front of them. Then and only then can you rely upon your upbringing, your common sense, your human sense and your God.

A minister was asked the question, what is love? His answer was Love is God and God is Love. The is can be represented mathematically with an equal sign (=). Right now, the emotion I am feeling is Hate. So I = Hate, but I do not want to run the chance of Hate = Me. It’s easy to be consumed in your emotions. But again…the focus can’t be on me. It has to be on the one I love.

To Be Continued…

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