Friday, February 29, 2008

Glasses and a Girlfriend!

B S is online.
Natasha: mornin
B: suuuuuuuuuuuuuups
Natasha: my two blind chirrunz
Sent at 9:28 AM on Friday
B: did nuri pick hers out?
Natasha: yes
they are hanna montana
B: wow
Natasha: purple even
Sent at 9:35 AM on Friday
Natasha: u like nuri's glasses?
B: i think they are too thick for her face
Natasha: mine are almost like them
do you have them on now?
Natasha: soon as i get them
no they aren't ready
B: oh ok
Natasha: i got transisitions lenses
that child LOVES her glasses
i'm like u can take them off
to sleep
B: lol
Natasha: amir has a girlfriend
did i already tell u
B: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Natasha: yeah
B: what's her name?
Natasha: i forgot to ask
he goes..i hope she still likes me with glasses
Sent at 9:54 AM on Friday
B: imma need u to ask
i wanna meet her
Natasha: LMAO!
Sent at 9:57 AM on Friday
B: do you at least know the nationality?
Natasha: black
i think there are like 6 white people at his school.
none in his classes
B: ol
Natasha: LMAO
i know
B: how long dey been together?
Natasha: since 7th period yesterday
B: LOL!!!
i'm literally rollin
Natasha: LOL!
they started dating in 5th period
and became official by 7th
DO U KNOW how much I wanted to laugh?
B: dawg
i'm glad you told me now
adn he didn't tell me
Natasha: LMAO!
i made sure his fro was tight
he had his glasses cleaner cloth...that ironically matches the colors he has on
he had is breath stuff
he had is carmax
and i brought my personal pic
Natasha: YES
lips have to be moist
never ashey
B: this is too much
Natasha: he cleaned his shoes
his nikes
and i gave him ten dollaz for the dance to buy her a snack too
B: awwwww
Natasha: i'll keep u posted
B: i'm like so excitee
Natasha: i showed him how to put numbas in his phone
so he can get hers
Natasha: made sure he took his phone
cuz he has to call and as her parents if she can get phone calls
cuz u know
some parents arent down with that
mine wasn't
B: yeah
do mind if i tell like.....
everyone i know?
Natasha: LMAO
it was all thru notes
she had their mutual friend
send a note to amir
saying do you like the girl sitting behind me
he wrote yes
next note do u think she's cute
B: OMG!!!!
Natasha: yes
ok now move to 6th period
would u like to go with her
7th period they had to share books...
do you want to switch seats with me so u can share a book with your girlfriend?
This afternoon they will dance!
B: it's like a fairy tale!
Natasha: YES!
a 7th grade fairytale
and then
end of the day yesterday...he calls his mom to tell her the news...THAD BE ME!
this is going on my blog
he's getting more action than me
and i'm totally happy for him!

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Focus Can't Be On Me

Everyday life has a chance to send you to a curve in the road that you didn’t know was there. Today was my chance. How do you handle a situation where you are the protected, but one of those you have vowed to protect with your life is hurt? How do you forgive yourself for allowing someone to slip through your tight grip you thought you had? But the focus now can’t be on me. It has to be on the one I love.

The lioness in me wants to take action. Not the kind of action that is coupled with love, but the action that serves as a pre-requisite to a life sentence. No one knows how you will react until you get this situation, this demon, this humanly inconceivable thing placed in front of them. Then and only then can you rely upon your upbringing, your common sense, your human sense and your God.

A minister was asked the question, what is love? His answer was Love is God and God is Love. The is can be represented mathematically with an equal sign (=). Right now, the emotion I am feeling is Hate. So I = Hate, but I do not want to run the chance of Hate = Me. It’s easy to be consumed in your emotions. But again…the focus can’t be on me. It has to be on the one I love.

To Be Continued…