Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Old New Look

Apparently the blow dried look is apparently in style forever. I also think I'm cute with my hair anyway...but sexier with the straight hair. With that being said, my hair made me feel better. I know the song says, "I am not my hair", however the way you maintain your mane is an outside reflection of your internal state. I can wet the head and have the afro again, however, if I do not comb the afro, train the afro, mold the afro, then I have a hot mess. If I don't feel that peace within, then I will not have the patience to maintain the afro, because I am not maintaining my mental state. My homie Max said, "you start forgetting yourself
and you become invisible to others and yourself." That is quite true. When you are lost in the sea of your own sameness, you fade in the background surrounding you. Even with a fro that's a greater size than the famous Angela Davis.

So, I changed my game and stepped it up. Then I got the clothes to match the new look. But the first change was in the attitude behind the whole Muri Modification. So anyway...the old/new me.