Friday, June 20, 2008

Getting out of the way

Sometimes we can stand in our own way and not allow the flow of what is really to pass, to come to us. We call ourselves standing steadfast and being a rock, however, there are forces that cause that rock to move, for instance water. In the Midwest, there are stone walls created to make the Mississippi River stay away from the land where people are inhabiting. They are called levees. But when the water gets high enough, when the current gets strong enough, even that stone wall has to give way to the power of that force. We are like that stone wall too. We think we can hold back the forces of change. We love to live in what is known to us, but like all things, the change must come. We must evolve, we must get out of our own way or we can get pushed out, no matter how stubborn we become.

Change can become freeing. Change can bring about a purpose or give us renewed meaning. Change can energize us and cause that energy to be transferred into others. Another word for getting out of your way and letting the change happen is called faith. Faith is not just mere believing that you won't fail, faith is knowing that you will win. Maybe not the win you imagined before you made that first step, but the win that was destined for you before you took your first breath.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Well I have begun the second part of the process in getting my Project Management Professional Certification from PMI (Project Management Institute). It's going to take time to document all of the projects I've worked on over the years to their specification. At least I have registered with them and have one step to apply to take the exam. take the exam. I am studying dilligently for it. This is worse than being in school, because it's not something I find particularly interesting to read. At least when I study history or even in my Business Management classes, I found interest in it. Especially history. Oh well..cry myself a river.

Back to the grind....